Sunday, August 7, 2011

Cutting the cost of your wedding? Cheap weddings

The average wedding now costs between £17,000 and £20,000. So how can you save money and still have the wedding of your dreams.

How to cut the cost of your wedding in 10 easy steps.

1. Call in friends and family to help out where possible. Many of them will be able to bake or even be crafty. With help from them you may get your flowers, stationery, wedding cake or even your dress at a reduced cost if not free ( as a wedding gift). Some may even have an amazing car that you can use to transport you to your venue.
Do you someone who is a hairdresser, make - up artist, florist, stationer, baker, dressmaker, musician, caterer, photographer etc? For most people they will know at least a few people who can help out. 

2. Cut the cost of your wedding using Facebook. Most people who are on facebook are just there to connect with their friends. Now I must admit if it wasn't for my business I probably wouldn't frequent facebook very often. However by being on facebook I have seen the benefit of "liking" business pages. By doing so you are kept up to date of offers and freebies they are offering. I have won a meal for 2 to the value of £50 and a watch just by liking a page!
So if you aren't on facebook then get on there and get "liking" wedding supplier pages. You could win anything from free on the day co-ordination, to having your wedding photographed for the day!  Check out our facebook page and "like" us as we currently have a competition running to WIN TICKETS TO THE SCOTTISH WEDDING SHOW at the SECC in Sept 2011. What is more we also offer our fans on the page an extra 10% discount on our wedding hair accessories and bridal jewellery. It really does pay to be on facebook.

3. Get married out of season or midweek. It seems very attractive to get married at the weekend and during the summer months. Admittedly that was what I did. But there are real benefits of getting married off peak and during the week. Yes people may find it difficult to get time off, or not drink the same amount of alcohol they would normally if they are working the next day. But it will certainly be cheaper on your pocket. 

4. Buy at Wedding Fairs. Most wedding suppliers will offer exclusive discounts if you buy on the day. You really should take advantage of these fantastic offers. We offer a standard 10% off our hair accessories at wedding fairs and in some cases we offer extra special discounts like £120 vintage headbands for £80. 

5. Cut the guest list. Only have really important friends and family for the wedding breakfast. All others can attend in the evening - where the cost per head will be cheaper if you are offering an evening buffet.

6. Have a Mini Honeymoon. How important is the honeymoon to you? Do you really want the luxury holiday - or would you rather have the dress of your dreams that you will look back at in photos for the rest of your life? This is all about priorities and own personal choice, but there is nothing stopping you having a mini break with a bigger luxury one further down the line.

7. Ask to pay in installments. I have experienced many brides waiting till very close to their wedding to sort out their accessories. This is for various reasons, but you really should book things well in advance to avoid missing out. If finance is stopping you getting the booking in early, then ask the wedding supplier if they would offer an interest free payment option. In most cases I am sure they will be happy to oblige, as long as the balance is paid by the agreed date. Of which we at Wedding and Baby and more than happy to offer this service for wedding accessories and bridal jewellery.

8. Something old, Something borrowed ... Work the vintage trend and go for something old or borrowed. Ask about friends and family to see if they have items that you can borrow for the day.

9. Look for the added value in items. If you have your heart set on an aspect of your wedding but can't justify the cost, then look for the added value. For example the £400 cupcakes may be out of your budget, but if you use them as favours or the dessert then you will get what you want and save money in the long run. We offer headbands and tiaras that can be converted into brooches or necklaces. So the initial outlay has a benefit in the long run. One of our designs which costs £120 coverts into 3 brooches. These can be given to bridesmaids or mothers of the bride or groom as gifts. Not only are these sentimental they save money on extra presents!

10. Remember cheap isn't always cheerful. As the saying goes you pay for what you get. It is great getting a genuine bargain, but remember if you do opt for the cheaper option then prepare to expect the quality to be of a different standard. Whether buying your dresses abroad ( I have had many a horror story of a bride who couldn't return the dress or get anyone to alter it due to being manufactured to poorer quality) or opting for mass produced items on ebay remember to check out the company for their returns policy.

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